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Nivasini Ananthakrishnan

I am a fourth year PhD student at UC Berkeley advised by Nika Haghtalab and Michael I. Jordan. I am affliated with the Berkeley AI Research Lab and CLIMB. My research centers around learning and decision-making in environments with complexities such as strategic behavior and information asymmetry.

Previously, I completed my Master's and Bachelor's degrees in computer science at the University of Waterloo, where I was advised by Shai Ben-David.

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Publications and Preprints

Is Knowledge Power? On the (Im) possibility of Learning from Strategic Interactions
Nivasini Ananthakrishnan, Nika Haghtalab, Chara Podimata, Kunhe Yang. Neurips, 2024. arxiv
Privacy Can Arise Endogenously in an Economic System With Learning Agents
Nivasini Ananthakrishnan, Tiffany Ding, Mariel Werner, Sai Praneeth Karimireddy, Michael I.Jordan. FORC, 2024. arxiv
Delegating data collection in decentralized machine learning
Nivasini Ananthakrishnan, Stephen Bates, Michael I. Jordan, Nika Haghtalab. AISTATS, 2024. arxiv
Identifying regions of trusted predictions
Nivasini Ananthakrishnan, Shai Ben-David, Tosca Lechner, Ruth Urner. UAI, 2021. paper / thesis
On learnability with computable learners
Sushant Agarwal, Nivasini Ananthakrishnan, Shai Ben-David, Tosca Lechner, Ruth Urner. ALT, 2021. paper

Thanks Jon Barron for the template.